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Camille Cooper Scroggins, P.C.
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Camille Scroggins - Smiling Woman

Camille Scroggins - Single Dad

Camille Scroggins - Man looking out office window

Camille Scroggins - Smiling Woman
A Private, Respectful, Collaborative Divorce
Divorce and other family law disputes involve difficult legal, financial, and emotional issues. At the courthouse, judges must apply the same laws to all cases even though each family circumstance is unique. This often leads to inappropriate or unworkable outcomes. In the past, there was only the traditional adversarial court (litigation) method to resolve these disagreements. Now, there are more personalized legal processes for families going through these painful and life-altering transitions. They occur in private settings and involve people working collaboratively. This is where our practice comes into play.
Why Choose Camille Cooper Scroggins?
Camille works exclusively with clients who want to resolve their divorce or other family law dispute with integrity, compassion, and respect. She helps her clients minimize conflict, preserve relationships, maximize financial security, and move forward positively with their lives after divorce. Camille utilizes private, safe, business-like, and non-adversarial settings to discuss and negotiate issues. She has the experience and demeanor to guide her clients towards creative, mutually beneficial, and long-lasting solutions that make sense for their family without going to court.
Areas of Practice
All divorces are difficult and stressful, but each divorce is different. We understand that, and will guide you in choosing a course of action for your divorce that makes sense for you and your family.
In Collaborative Divorce, clients agree to stay out of court. Instead, they hire Collaborative Divorce lawyers to help them resolve issues in a private, structured process at a pace that suits them. We are highly trained and experienced in Collaborative Law and can represent you in this process.
In an amicable (uncontested) divorce, spouses work out their issues without involving the court. While Collaborative Divorce and Mediation are two options to obtain an amicable divorce, there are others. We are ready to help you determine the best way to achieve your amicable divorce.
Texas community property law requires that all property acquired during the marriage must be divided in a divorce. We will consider your individual circumstances and help you make good, informed decisions when splitting your assets and debts.
Each parent has the obligation to financially support their children during and after divorce. We will explore with you the many creative ways that can be accomplished.
Parents will share time with their children and decisions about them after divorce. We will help you determine the best plan to maximize each parent’s strengths and provide minimal disruption to the children going forward.
In mediation, a neutral third-party acts as a facilitator to help the parties negotiate a settlement out of court. We are very experienced with mediation and can serve as either the neutral mediator or represent you as a client in mediation.
In the years following a divorce, circumstances can change. We will examine your particular situation to see if a modification of terms about your children in the divorce decree is appropriate.