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Camille Scroggins - Amicable Settlements

Amicable Settlements & Uncontested Divorce

All divorces in Texas involve the restructuring of family relationships and finances. But each case is different as to the level of agreement at the outset. Some clients need their attorney to help them resolve every issue. Others come into the process with many items already agreed upon. 

Camille does not use a cookie cutter approach with her clients. Each case has its own unique personalities, issues and needs. She feels an important part of her job is helping every client figure out the best approach to solve the issues in his or her situation. No matter what, though, the objective will be to resolve the case amicably.

Collaborative Divorce and Mediation are two distinct processes in Texas used to settle family law cases amicably. However, some cases do not need that level of formality or professional involvement. Many divorcing spouses are able to effectively communicate about their issues and just need some legal guidance along the way. These cases are often referred to as “amicable” or “uncontested”.

In an uncontested divorce, Camille will meet individually with her client to understand his or her goals, answer questions, and discuss the legal issues and possible outcomes. She will prepare her client to knowledgeably communicate about each topic directly with his or her spouse, while remaining available as needed. After a settlement is reached, Camille will prepare the Final Decree of Divorce and other paperwork to reflect the terms of the agreement and submit those to the judge for approval.

If you believe you and your spouse can have an amicable or uncontested divorce, Contact Camille now. She will help you pick the right divorce process and navigate it as smoothly as possible.

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