Offering in person, telephone, and virtual appointments

Camille Cooper Scroggins, P.C.
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When parents in Texas divorce, their divorce decree contains several terms about their children. They include things such as:
who makes decisions about the children
where the children live
what time periods each parent spends with the children
who pays child support and how much
how expenses for extracurricular activities and camps are allocated
who maintains health insurance for the children
how medical expenses for the children not covered by health insurance are paid
As time passes, things change. Children get older and have different or additional needs. Parents may have different employment and/or income. A parent may need to relocate.
A modification of a divorce decree may be warranted when circumstances materially change to the point that the current terms in the divorce decree are inappropriate or unworkable. There are many factors that should be taken into account before attempting to modify a divorce decree. Sometimes unintended outcomes happen if the decision is not carefully considered.
Contact Camille so she can help you analyze your situation to determine if a modification of your divorce decree is a good decision for you.